Players who join the Football Class Academy team will be selected at various tryouts, organised in France, Switzerland, and Belgium.

Our goal is to balance the selected profiles and the needs of the coaches on the spot in order to GUARANTEE GAME TIME and thus accelerate your PROGRESSION! Why benefit from high quality workouts on weekdays, if you do not implement your achievements during games or big meetings! As a result, the group will consist of no more than 20 players per category.

The purpose of these requirements is to be able to evaluate you on the football criteria and your human qualities.Learning to live together harmoniously is just as important as the football skills you already possess. The state of mind of the player, his commitment and his desire to progress will be decisive in our selection.

Tryouts will consist of a technical part (warm-up, exercises and matches) and an individual professional interview to discuss your profile and the motivations that drives you to want to join our academy. Finally, the academy and our program will be presented to you. We will also explain the ins and outs of our mutual commitment and will be at your disposal for clarification.


  • Be between 16 and 23 years old,
  • Click and complete the tryouts form,
  • You will receive a notification and confirmation bytracking your application based on the tryouts
    and selection process,
  • A reminder 48 hours before the tryouts will be sent to you by email,
  • Provide adequate clothing (t-shirt, shorts, socks, crampons …) and towel,
  • A snack will be offered to the players and accompanying persons at the end of the tryouts.

Next Try-Out

janvier 2025

03jan13 h 45 min17 h 00 minNice13 h 45 min - 17 h 00 min Complexe Sportif Pierre Operto, 679 chemins des combes

10jan13 h 00 min17 h 00 minLyon13 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min UFR STAPS, Stade Xavier GUILLEMET, 27-29 Boulevard du 11 novembre 1918